Lando Has Been Homed
















Lando has been homed – 3.6.24.

Lando is in foster care in Southampton, Hampshire, he arrived with us on the 17th of May 2024 and he was born on the 20th of June 2021.

This young boy would rather play than run around a race track!  Are you looking for a handsome young greyhound to join your family?  This chap will not let you down!

He is a friendly, happy chap who will sneak up on you for a quiet snuggle and cuddle! Lando is on the larger side for a greyhound, currently weighing 38kg but despite this he is a very gentle and kind boy.  This lad has always got a huge smile on his face, never a sad day with him around.  How could you resist not falling in love with him?!

Lando enjoys going out for walks, he will trot alongside you and enjoys all that he sees.

He will greet new people with a waggy tail, a lovely smile and is polite with his manners!  Lando enjoys his food and will take treats gently from your hand, what a lovely boy he is!

This chap has settled very quickly into home living, he takes it all in his stride, including all those strange noises that come from the T.V.  Lando loves watching the telly, especially if there are animals on it!  He is quiet at night and in only a few days has become house trained.  Every morning you are greeted with a lovely smile and a big waggy tail.  Everyone loves this boy!

Lando especially enjoys going out for car journeys and will jump in the back of a car with ease.  Coming home Lando can get very sleepy and needs a little bit of encouragement to get back out of the car so he can rest peacefully in his indoor bed, rather than the back of the car!

He has met our other breeds of doggie friends, he shows them his politeness with his manners and would quite like to play with them, if correct introductions were carried out.  His gorgeous smile never ends and he will greet his doggie friends exactly the same as his human ones – waggy tail, huge smile and polite manners!

This lad LOVES to play!  He will play with toys, his friends (canine and human), Lando just likes to live life to the full and is always a happy boy!  He can be quiet to begin with, if in a new environment but soon shows his adorable character to his new friends!

Throw a toy for our large boy and he will continue playing with it, making his own games up, throwing high into the air and then taking off, to catch it!

This boy loves playing in the sand pit, after all the excitement he will turn the sand up so he can find a nice cool part to lay in and then have a quick snooze!

He does have a party trick which he will show to his close friends.  Lando likes to help his human friends water the plants with the hose pipe.  After watching every plant get a water, he soon feels thirsty himself and will put his whole head into the jet to get a quick drink, often going back for more!  He really is a dog that will keep you smiling!

Lando has the potential to live with another dog of any size, providing introductions are carried out.  He could also be an only dog if he had company for part of the day, being young he is going to have more energy than an older dog and will need stimulating through toys, walks and human time!  He would make a great family pet, he is a real gentle boy just wanting to please his owner.   Lando could live with children over the age of 5 years.

Luan has not been tested with cats.

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