Tigger has now been homed – 22/10/19.
He is a very special boy who needs a family that has the time and patience needed to help him become confident in his own body and home environment.
This lad has a lot of love to give to a family however his new family need to understand his needs and work through them together, understanding that they may have set backs along the way and his fears will not be cured overnight. Tigger will need guidance from his owners throughout his life so they will need to be prepared that the training will be continuous.
Tigger is very wary of any new surroundings and people, he can bark at people, especially men who come into the house as his way of coping but with time, patience and consistency he will learn to trust the adults working with him and show them his loving side. Tigger loves his crate and will retreat to it if he feels uncomfortable, i.e if new people come to the house.
His ideal home would be with no children, a home where he can relax in the garden without the fear of hearing children playing and especially the sound of footballs. A home in the country away from loud noises would be ideal for this lad.
Tigger loves his food and will happily eat his dinner in a quiet area. He is very gentle taking treats from you.
He can find walks quite scary especially if he encounters children, he has learnt that traffic is nothing to be scared about and is able to walk along the pavement with some confidence. Walk Tigger across farm land and woodlands, then he becomes much more confident and enjoys longer walks, taking in the scenery.
Tigger can use his strength out on a walk particularly if something spooks him. His new owner will need to keep a strong hold on this lad and lead the way so Tigger understands that there is nothing to be scared about. Walk Tigger on a Canny and he is more manageable to control through these ‘scary’ moments before he relaxes again. He will never be an off lead greyhound due to his fears and potentially bolting off if something scares him.
We are looking for a quiet, adult only home, who will have time and patience to support him and continue his learning journey. Tigger is housetrained and craves a crate that he can feel secure in, this is a MUST for his new home. He has learnt that if he feels insecure or worried, his safety zone is his crate and he will take himself off to it and will come out again when he is feeling more confident.
Tigger enjoys other dogs company however he can sometimes feel threatened, or the need to become dominant over them, for this reason he needs a home with no other dogs. His new owners will need to understand his fears and how to help him positively overcome them.
Tigger enjoys his car journeys, he will happily jump in with ease and lay down once the car has started. He enjoys playing, he will play with soft cuddly toys, he enjoys a game of you throw it, he will chase it but you have to pick it up afterwards as he won’t bring it back again. An owner who doesn’t mind the walking will be needed for this lad!
Are you an early riser? If so Tigger is your boy, he loves to wake up early and enjoys early morning fun either with toys or an early walk.
This boy knows his name and will come to you when called, giving you lovely cuddles once he has built his trust up with you.

“Here I come!”
We will be seeking a very special home for this boy, if you are interested please contact Greyhound Lifeline but we may, after asking further questions field you towards an alternative dog if we think it is appropriate. Tigger has a long journey ahead of him in building trust and therefore we need to ensure we find the ‘perfect’ home for him. Thank you for your understanding.