Latest Greyhound Arrivals:
Abbie is our latest arrival, but she won’t be appearing on site just yet as she isn’t fit enough for homing currently. She has received veterinary attention and is on the road to recovery. Once she is fully recovered and up to an acceptable weight we will make her available for adoption.
Updated Greyhound Descriptions:
Patsy, Ernest, Bianca and Macey have updated descriptions available. Please visit our Greyhounds Needing Homes gallery for up to date information about all our greyhounds.
Homed Greyhounds:
Duchess and Billie have been adopted.
Reserved Greyhounds:
Max is reserved and Bodger (one of our long stayers, although we have never understood why) is also finally reserved subject to home check.
Special appeal for Jack:
Jack is almost 8 years old now and he’s lived all of those years in kennels. We would really like to see Jack in a foster or adoptive home before too long. He is an RGT sponsor dog yes, but that does not mean he’s not available for homing.
Jack is a special needs lad and he must be an only dog in a home without children. If you have a child free home, please consider taking Jack on or at least talk to us about him. There has to be a loving home for him somewhere surely. If long term fostering, rather than adoption is the best way forward to get him in a home then we’ll consider it happily. Please see our Fostering Greyhounds page for more information on what is involved.
New Greyhound Blog
We have a new greyhound blog on site for you to enjoy. Lady the Greyhound has written all about her experiences of life in a newly found home. Light and easy reading we think you’ll enjoy following her progress. There are many further installments still to add.
Festive Season Greyhound Homing
There will be no further homing of greyhounds until January 2nd 2012. We may however, at our discretion and with the best interest of the greyhound foremost in our mind allow some adoptions to continue. Only homes without children where a quiet festive season is planned would potentaially be able to take a greyhound home now before January.
Viewings, homing enquiries and home checks will of course continue as normal and reservation of greyhounds are very welcome.
Christmas Appeal for Lifeline’s Greyhounds
We would love to have a full treat bin and a selection for toys for all our greyhounds this Christmas. If you can add a bag of dog treats to your weekly shop, find some unwanted soft toys, balls or even actual dog toys at home then Greyhound Lifeline would love to receive them.
Let’s make this Christmas special extra for the greyhounds and hopefully the food and fun will last well into 2012. Please make your donations in person at the kennels between 11am and 1pm daily.
Christmas Fundraising for the Greyhounds
On Thursday 8th December Saara will be running a fundraising stall at Park Primary School’s Christmas Fayre, Aldershot. Full details are on our Greyhound Events page.
Fundraise for us using eBay
You can now sell items on ebay and choose to donate between 10% and 100% of your sale price to Greyhound Lifeline. If you are an ebay member you could also simply donate by using your Paypal account. For ebay members only please visit their Sell for Charity page and enter “Greyhound Lifeline” in the Charity name area.
If you are a UK tax payer please also tick the Gift Aid box. Please read ebay’s terms and conditions carefully as we cannot be held responsible for any problems you may encounter. Could you sell your unwanted items and help us to buy food, provide veterinary care and generally look after the greyhounds in our care at the same time?