KK – as Katie is now often referred to on account of being sung ‘beautiful K-k-k-katie’ to by my mum – is quite simply the loveliest of dogs. She is funny, cheeky, gentle, loving, clean, well-mannered, affectionate, a pleasure to walk and to be trusted around the youngest of kids or most frail elderly person.
The cats have taught her her place in the pecking order, but she retaliates by hoovering up any food they were daft enough to leave behind!! Yes, she’s a foodie but still has her waist. I’ve fallen for my canine companion in a big way (as I write this her head is resting on my lap, whilst the rest of her enjoys the sofa – need I say more). My family loves her very much too.
So thanks to Marie, Jane, Paul, Lucy and the rest of the GL team for helping me find the best ‘KK’ in the world!