We have been busy behind the scenes organising this year street collections and events. If you are able to help at any of our events, for a couple of hours or half a day we would love to hear from you.
Please contact us via email – [email protected]
We are an independent charity and all our funds are obtained through collections, events, car boot sales and donations. We have a little team of fundraisers and we are looking for more people to join us.
Please see below the events already organised, we have a few more that we are finalising and we will update this page soon with more events!
Street Collections and Events this year:
Saturday 7th March – Longacres Garden Centre
Sunday 5th April – The Meadows, Camberley

Murphy having a rest with Ice!
Saturday 16th May – Farnham Street Collection
Saturday 19th September – Fleet Street Collection
Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th October – Redfields Garden Centre
Saturday 21st November – Guildford Street Collection
Saturday 28th November – The Meadows, Camberley
Saturday 5th December – Farnborough Street Collection

Razzle promoting greyhounds as pets during a street collection.
Post-Christmas Clear Out?
We would love to have your spare items so we can raise additional funds for Greyhound Lifeline. Our fundraising team are getting ready to start their car boot sales again after the winter but they are very low on stock.
Items most sellable are:
Jewellery – costume or real, small electricals, games – board and electronic, jigsaws, garden statues, CD’s and DVD’s, cigar boxes, toys, unopened smellies including perfume and aftershave, musical instruments, tools – hand, electric and garden, small kitchen appliances, mobile phones, laptops and vynal records.
Please bring them along to the kennels and we will be very grateful for them.
Kennel Opening Hours:
Please note all volunteers (kennel hands included), visitors and customers must pre-book visits to our site which will involve bringing a non-resident dog on site.
We are asking for at least 24 hours’ notice of your dog’s arrival, details of the day/time you wish to bring your dog(s) and how many dogs you propose to bring. We will endeavour to give you a suitable appointment time, but please appreciate that we can only be as flexible as our lease permits and you may be offered an alternative time/day instead.
You can pre-book your dog’s visit by:
Email to [email protected], by text or phone to 07828 138378 (Marie) or 07769 348310 (Lucy).
The above pre-booking to visiting dogs only.
Volunteers and customers without dogs joining them are welcome during opening hours as per normal. Viewings remain by appointment only as previously.
New Dogs:
Storm and Schooner.

Meet Schooner
Homed Dogs:
Sparrow and Ghost.
If you would like to meet any of our resident greyhounds please call or email Greyhound Lifeline’s Adoption team to arrange a viewing. Please note all viewings are by prior arrangement.

Marshall with his love of footballs!
All our home seeking greyhounds have updated their personal pages, please check them out and find the greyhound waiting for you!

“I’m flying” Captain having fun!
Bedding: Thank you for your donations, WE ARE NOW FULL, we will update this page when we can accept more bedding.
Toys: If you have any soft toys that we could use for the kennel dogs we would be very grateful as our stocks are very low.
Ink Cartridges: Please save your empty cartridges, bring them along to the kennels so we can recycle them and make money for the dogs in our care. Please note we cannot recycle laser/toner cartridges, thank you.