This weekend we have welcomed two new dogs into our kennels, three year old Hope and two year old Bertie. Please see our greyhound gallery page for more information on all of our available dogs.

Little Hope

Gentle Bertie
Cheetah has had his stitches and staples out of his hock and has started to have 10 minute walks each day. Recover is going to be slow for him and strict rest is going to be needed during the healing process. Cheetah loves playing so we know this is going to be hard for him but the end is getting closer. At the end of May Cheetah will have some more x-rays completed on his hock to ensure the bone graft has fully fused the bone before he can be allowed to carry out normal activities again.
Kennels Open Day:
This years Open Day will be on Sunday 22nd May 11-3pm. Please mark on your calendar and lets make it another huge success.
Attractions include: stalls, tombola, dog lucky dip, a sponsored wax, Aqua Jewellery, homemade dog biscuits, doggie jumble sale, plants, local crafts, BBQ, refreshments, raffle, greyhound parade, fun classes, K9 Matters, Ark veterinary team & Burnside Animal Rehabilitation Centre talking about complementary therapies for dogs, Hook Pet Shop, loose change collection (bring along your coppers!) and many more attractions.
Competition – make a yummy cake in the shape of a greyhound. Bring along on the day and enter it into the competition.
Entry and on-site parking is free of charge, but a donation of canned Butcher’s brand dog meat would be much appreciated.
A plea from a couple of the stall holders – anyone who has any spare pots or tubs would you be so kind to donate them to the kennels? Please deliver to the kennels so we can pass them on to the family who are busy planting ready for the big day!
We are in need of raffle prices, if you have anything that would be suitable – smellies, wine etc please bring it to the kennels and place in our office. Thank you.
This years Open Day is going to be even bigger!! We have a number of new stalls and would love to see you there.
Keep an eye of Facebook for a sneaky preview on some of the stalls/products you will be able to buy and events you will be able to take part in.
If you are able to put up a poster at your work place or in a shop for us about our Open Day please email us at [email protected] and we can send you a copy. Thank you.
Great Global Greyhound Walk:
Greyhound Lifeline invite you and your hound(s) to join us on Sunday 19th June for the Farnham, Surrey based walk of the Great Global Greyhound Walk.
For time, location and all other details please see the attached link and call Diane if you have any other questions.
With thanks to Waverley Borough Council for the permit to run this event and to Diane for setting it all up for us.…/farnham-surrey…/
Available Greyhounds:
Please take a look at all the lovely greyhounds, most have updated descriptions, in our greyhounds for adoption gallery. We have some very friendly, loving greyhounds who have waited far too long for their forever homes. Could you give one of our hounds their dream home?
We still have, many long stayer greyhounds that joined us early 2015 or before this and are still looking for that special home. These dogs are Hammy, Willie, Jake, Suzi, Susie and Lyric. Please take a look at these greyhounds and hopefully 2016 will bring them homes of their own.
Homed Greyhounds:
Davey and Scarlett.
New arrivals:
Hope and Bertie.
Small dog trainable greyhounds:
Celt, Minx, Bertie and Hope.
Dogs in Foster Care:
Reggie, Willie, Celt, Susie, Cheetah, Billy, Harry & Suzi are in foster care. If one of our foster dogs interests you as a potential new family member then you simply need to contact us and we’ll arrange a mutually convenient date and time for you to meet him/her.

Harry has recently moved into foster care. He looks very happy, enjoying home living.
Used Postage Stamp and Ink Cartridge Appeal:
Many of you may already know that the Retired Greyhound Trust collect used postage stamps to raise funds for the greyhounds in their care. For some of you collecting the occasional stamp here and there and finally getting around to posting a collection off may be a bit of a nuisance. If you bring them along to Greyhound Lifeline we can send them off for you when we have collected a larger amount. We also collect old mobile phones.
Fundraise for us using eBay:
You can sell items on ebay and choose to donate between 10% and 100% of your sale price to Greyhound Lifeline. If you are an ebay member you could also simply donate by using your Paypal account. For ebay members only please visit their Sell for Charity page and enter “Greyhound Lifeline” in the Charity name area. If you are a UK tax payer please also tick the Gift Aid box. Please read ebay’s terms and conditions carefully as we cannot be held responsible for any problems you may encounter. Could you sell your unwanted items and help us to buy food, provide veterinary care and generally look after the greyhounds in our care at the same time.