Robin Has Been Homed


Robin has been homed – 1.6.24.

Robin is in foster care in Southampton, Hampshire, he arrived in our care on the 23rd December 2023 and he was born on the 2nd September 2020.

He has had a rough start to his homing days and has bounced back from two homes.  Robin is a real delight and has been so unlucky so early on in his life.  None of us at the kennels can understand why this lad has bounced back twice, we all LOVE him.

It would be lovely to find him that perfect home, that can give him the love that he truly deserves.

This lad is a friendly, giant boy who is going to make a perfect addition to his new family.

He is a quietly confident chap, who has oodles of character and enjoys sharing it with his human friends once he feels settled.  Robin takes everything going on around him in his stride, sometimes you forget he is next to you, as he can be very quiet until he decides to start playing!

Robin loves to be outdoors, he enjoys a good run so he can play with his favourite humans and toys!  If you like to walk and see different places than this boy is your man! He loves walking next to you, enjoying what he sees and looking up to you with a huge smile, to show how much he is enjoying being out and the love he has for you too!  What a lovely lad he is!  Robin is a real pleasure to walk, he will walk very nicely next to you, no pulling on a fishtail collar and lead set, he is a real sweetie plodding along next to you.  Information from his last home suggested he was too strong when walked on a harness, we have found on a fishtail collar he walks perfectly next to you and is often walked by our younger volunteers.

What more does a boy need after a good walk….. nice food, special cuddles from his human friends and even some treats for being a good boy too!  All our happy, Robin wants is his own family.

This boy loves his food, no stopping him!  Robin is very gentle with his food, no food aggression around humans and will take treats very gently from your hand. He would love if all the treats were for him but understands he has to share, well some anyway!

Robin enjoys having cuddles with his human friends and will lean right into you, cuddle sessions usually end up with a face wash and special kisses, from your lovable lad!

This lad loves to be on the go, well as active as a greyhound can be, he sometimes forgets that he is not a springer spaniel, his eyes usually tell you he has worked hard, falling asleep either standing or laying down!

Robin enjoying a rest at Dogstival.

He knows how to jump into a car and does it very well!  Our Robin loves his outings with his friends and settles nicely once inside.

Robin enjoys chasing after a thrown toy but is very particular which toys he will pick up and run around with!  He loves squeaky and fluffy toys, if you are missing anything that is fluffy, you might find it in Robin’s bed! This behaviour may not be shown by the lad when he first comes into your home, he likes to watch first before having a go himself. This chap is a cheeky boy.

The boy had fun over Christmas with anything in the home that was fluffy, low reaching Christmas decorations were a favourite to move around the house!  Now Christmas has gone and the house is without decorations this lad enjoys playing with his toys and knows what he IS and NOT allowed to play with!

This lad could live with a bitch if careful introductions have taken place.  He could also live as a only dog as he would love to have all the attention for himself.  Robin can suffer with separation anxiety so would need an owner who has experience with dealing with this and one that would only be leaving him for short periods each day.  Robin could live with children over the age of 8 years, he can run at speed which could knock a smaller person over.  He may not look big but certainly has the power when he wants to use it!

Robin posing for a photograph with his human friend Ben at Dogstival.

This chap spends his daytime in the human house, garden and out on lovely walks.  He is now fully house trained and has also learnt not to disturb the humans while they eat, keeping his feet on the floor, especially in the kitchen and can easily walk on different surfaces around the home.

Go on give the adoption line a call and find out more about this lovely lad.

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