Happy New Year Everyone!

We would like to wish all our volunteers, supporters and the public a very Happy New Year.

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2024 was an amazing year for us, it was filled with homings and action packed events.
During the year we rehomed 54 greyhounds, including our long stayers – Milton and Giant; who are now living life to the full!
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Milton with his new owner.
We held and were part of 35 events ranging from small fairs to our own summer fair and ‘The Big Walk’.
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Our volunteers took on the challenge of walking 40 miles to raise funds for our paddock fund. The whole team worked hard to achieve the end goal. They raised £4,189.32, AMAZING!
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We have had our sad times too including the loss of Yoyo our ‘special’ lad that so many of us loved, like he was our own. The team pulled through this time together and supported one another.
Thank you to all our volunteers and supporters, none of 2024 would have been possible without your dedicated work. We are so lucky to have an ever growing team full of like minded people.
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We all have the same passion and greyhounds are a huge part of our hearts.
The team are looking forward to 2025 and all the exciting times ahead.
Bring on 2025 and let’s find loving homes for more greyhounds.

Figures from 2024:

We took in – 53 greyhounds

We homed – 54 greyhounds

Our long stayers Giant and Milton found their own homes!

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Some of our Funding during 2024.

Commission from Petplan, Easy Fundraiser & others:
The Greyhound Shop:
(In Bournemouth)
GBGB—Retirement Scheme:
The Stray Dog Sanctuary:

Thank You:

We have had some lovely donations during the year and especially over the festive season.  Thank you to everyone who has given us a donation, we are really grateful and without your support we would not be able to carry out the work we do.

Street Collections & Events for 2025:

We will update you, later this month.

Our next nail clipping session in Fleet is:


Our next nail clipping session in Southampton is:


We are looking for volunteers to join our fundraising team and help at our street collections both around Southampton and also around the Fleet area.  If you would like to find out more, please see poster below.

GL Volunteering Poster


Our Organised Walks:

We will provide more information about each walk, on our Facebook Page, during the week leading up to each one.


New Arrivals:

Oompah, Kitty, Tay and Nitro.

Reserved Greyhounds:

Crimbo, Scramble & Holly.

Homed Greyhounds:


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