Jo's Greyhound Blog - Therapy Dog?

I was feeling just a tiny bit nervous recently; the reason – Tracy was about to be assessed to be a therapy dog!

On the day of the assessment, I parked the car at the address I’d been given and Tracy and I were met by a friendly lady called Sue.  She welcomed us into her house, much as a friend or relative might.  I asked for permission to let Tracy off the lead and she agreed.  Tracy sniffed and explored the room for a minute or two and then settled on a fluffy rug.

Sue and I chatted for a while and then she carried out a few tests on Tracy such as seeing if she would accept her tail, legs and ears being touched without warning, seeing if she would react to objects being dropped on the floor behind her and so forth.  I was so pleased at the end of the assessment when Sue told me that Tracy had passed and arranged a time and a place for our first visit.

Our first visit, on a beautifully sunny afternoon, was to a Care Home and I am so proud to say that Tracy didn’t put a foot wrong.  She walked around the lounge, gently moving towards any resident who looked her way and wanted to say hello.  She was so still and patient.  A couple of the ladies fed her treats or one of their biscuits and their pleasure was obvious.  Isn’t it great that an ex-racing greyhound is helping to make vulnerable people happy?  Added to this, I’ve read many times about young school children practicing their reading by reading aloud to a therapy dog – often a greyhound.

During that visit, somebody asked Sue how she assesses a dog’s suitability for therapy and she explained how the assessment starts from the moment the dog gets out of the car and walks towards the house, probably before the owner even realises they are being assessed!  She said that the organisation had a huge variety of breeds as therapy dogs and that some dogs could go back for a re-assessment if they were a bit too exuberant the first time.

Caring Canine Therapy Greyhound Tracy

Tracy posing after qualifying as a Caring Canine Therapy Dog

I really think this goes some way to redress the balance back in favour of dogs, especially in our area.  I believe most people understand that it’s the minority of dogs and owners that make the negative headlines.  Well, wouldn’t it be just fantastic if the headlines were that ex-racers regularly become therapy dogs?  If your dog is very laid-back, why not make some enquiries in your area?

2 thoughts on “Jo’s Greyhound Blog – Therapy Dog?

  1. That’s great news Jo, well done Tracy.

    Farran is a Pets as Therapy dog too- most of them have exactly the right temperament. Perhaps we can convert some more owners!

  2. That’s lovely to hear! Well done Tracy and Jo.
    Our Ben is a Pets as Therapy dog and when he had his assessment a year or so ago our local assessor said he wished more greyhound owners would come forward as they do make ideal PAT dogs, not only because of their calm and gentle natures, but they are also just the right size for patients in beds or chairs to stroke!
    Ben and I visit our local Hospice once a week and we see patients and their visitors and also the staff (Ben always remembers who keeps doggy treats in their desk drawers). A dog can be a great talking point and bring back happy memories for a lot of patients, and of course, an ex-racing greyhound always has a story!

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